
Puvvada Nagendra Sai Kiranu
S.R.K.R. Engineering College
21, Male
Profile Details Verified By College

B. Tech., Computer Science EngineeringAndhra Pradesh University8.82/10.00
Programming LanguagesC, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, HTML
DatabaseOracle, MySQL
Operating SystemsWindows 10, Linux, MacOS
SoftwareJupyter notebook, Google Colabe, Visual Studio, Python IDE, Photoshop, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
Other SkillsML, AI, Cyber security, CSS
Mobile DevelopmentAndroid
Industrial Experience
Local File Inclusion - Black Bucks Engineers Pvt LtdJul, 2022 - Sep, 2022
Learned various Brute forcing attacks that can be performed on
Real time web Applications.
Learned injecting of various payloads and malware installations
in client systems.

SRKR HUB - CH.SwaroopApr, 2023 - Apr, 2023
Developed a SRKR HUB project that aimed to make the students to get resources and projects of CSE Department by the students and Faculty.
The project involved the development of a web-based application that could be used by students to upload and download the resources and projects of CSE and they can also choose mentors too.
Travelling Chatbot With Voice Assistant - Dr. G . SireeshaMar, 2023 - Mar, 2023
Developed a interactive chatbot where user can get personalized schedule plan by specifying some of the requirements through voice in user specified language and text in English.

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